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Powerful conversations with incredible Entrepreneurs and Creatives all around the world will empower you to dispel the emotions of fear, worry, or self-doubt and know that, whatever your goals, you’ve got this! Why? Because Dreams ARE Real.

Dan McPherson, International Speaker and Founder of Leaders Must Lead is on a mission to help you overcome the momentum of zero and own your story on the way to building your ideal life.

Jan 21, 2023

Create a life you’re proud to call your legacy.

Teena Ryan is an Intuitive Coach who has stepped into her own light and legacy after escaping a life and marriage where she felt limited and trapped despite the appearance of freedom.

Her story of divorce and recovery after a long marriage will speak to your soul and her...

Jan 12, 2023

There’s always a way to find a way.

As the 2nd of 15 children who grew up in a family of sharecroppers under segregation, lost a promising career in the air force due to alcohol, and lived homeless in Colorado, Frank Sinclair understands struggle. Thankfully his story didn’t end there. In fact, these painful...