Dec 31, 2019
Happy New Year! I’m blown away by the engagement and support
you’ve given this podcast and our community this year. All the
positive feedback about our first solo episode a few weeks ago
combined with the New Year’s holiday encouraged me to share
another, so here we are!
What are you looking forward to in 2020?...
Dec 26, 2019
Lee Huffman is a Travel Rewards Expert and Chief Bald Officer at Since appearing as a guest on his We Travel There podcast, I’ve been fascinated. Whether traveling the world for free or very little cost, helping others do the same, or sharing insights gained from locals in cities around the world,...
Dec 24, 2019
Klaas van Oosterhout is a Coach for Entrepreneur Dads and host of the prolific Becoming a Fearless Father podcast. He’s on a mission to help 1 million dads become fearless fathers and lessen the weight of having to show up as a man, husband, father, and entrepreneur every day. Klaas shares about the importance...
Dec 19, 2019
At only 24 years of age, Le-an Lacaba is a writer, CEO of 2 outsourcing companies, and a Virtual Ate (big sister) to the world.
When I met Le-an, I was moved by her story and saw how this young woman quickly developed the skills to successfully lead significant teams. You’ll hear it too as she shares how her...
Dec 17, 2019
Rick Coughlin is a Technology Integration Specialist and Co-Founder and CEO of Grove Studios, a 24/7 practice space for musicians.
Rick is not only a great guy, but also a humble, growing leader with a heart to affordably solve some of the biggest problems musicians face and allow them the space to more freely create...