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Powerful conversations with incredible Entrepreneurs and Creatives all around the world will empower you to dispel the emotions of fear, worry, or self-doubt and know that, whatever your goals, you’ve got this! Why? Because Dreams ARE Real.

Dan McPherson, International Speaker and Founder of Leaders Must Lead is on a mission to help you overcome the momentum of zero and own your story on the way to building your ideal life.

Jun 24, 2021

The best feedback flows from a generous heart and is never diminishing or demeaning. Sadly, this isn’t the experience of most, which is why so many hate even the idea of asking for feedback. Of course, we’re more than glad to criticize others. We just don’t want any ourselves. To solve this problem, we must learn...

Jun 17, 2021

It’s hard to accurately view any picture when we’re in the frame. At some point, we all realize our life has gotten away from us. During a moment of personal reflection last week, I didn’t like what I saw and knew I needed to make a course correction. Here are the 5 steps I used to get back in the game. If you...

Jun 10, 2021

Public speaking remains one of society’s greatest fears. Today’s guest has helped 1000s overcome this fear and share their messages with the world.

Rosalyn Kahn is a Professor of Public Speaking, TEDx Speaker and Coach, and Best-Selling Author who grew up as 1 of 7 siblings and dealt with scoliosis severe enough to...

Jun 3, 2021

Failure isn’t a flaw and it’s certainly not evil. It’s the path to knowledge, preparation, and refinement. How we process failure is the key to persevering toward success rather than simply wallowing while we wish for a lifeboat.

So many struggle to acknowledge, accept, or deal with failure and this becomes a real...