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Powerful conversations with incredible Entrepreneurs and Creatives all around the world will empower you to dispel the emotions of fear, worry, or self-doubt and know that, whatever your goals, you’ve got this! Why? Because Dreams ARE Real.

Dan McPherson, International Speaker and Founder of Leaders Must Lead is on a mission to help you overcome the momentum of zero and own your story on the way to building your ideal life.

Apr 27, 2023

What you do is what you become. This understanding challenges us to look differently at the future our current daily activities are creating.

AI Futurist Garik Tate has been looking to the future since he was little. Growing up, he was encouraged to learn and question everything. This led to an early passion for...

Jan 21, 2023

Create a life you’re proud to call your legacy.

Teena Ryan is an Intuitive Coach who has stepped into her own light and legacy after escaping a life and marriage where she felt limited and trapped despite the appearance of freedom.

Her story of divorce and recovery after a long marriage will speak to your soul and her...

Jan 12, 2023

There’s always a way to find a way.

As the 2nd of 15 children who grew up in a family of sharecroppers under segregation, lost a promising career in the air force due to alcohol, and lived homeless in Colorado, Frank Sinclair understands struggle. Thankfully his story didn’t end there. In fact, these painful...

Dec 24, 2022

You can become anything you want regardless of where you come from if you step back and learn to write the story of you.

Carole Kelly’s story is one of resilience and inspiration, from how she survived drinking kerosene on a dare, made the Olympic Trials as an 11 year old but had to drop out after becoming pregnant...

Dec 8, 2022

Find the scary stuff in life that isn’t a gun or a lion and move intentionally toward it.

Eli Harrell, Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer for accepts this challenge.

Whether as an eldest child in a large, entrepreneurial family, a homeschooler in the 70s, working jobs such as flooring, a horse farm or...